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The Fallows will bring tears to your eyes for all time!
Aaron Ross
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Aaron Ross The Fallows
Aaron Ross The Fallows
Aaron Ross the fallows
Aaron Ross the fallows
Aaron Ross the fallows
Aaron Ross The Fallows
Aaron Ross The Fallows
Aaron Ross The Fallows
Aaron Ross the fallows
Aaron Ross The Fallows
Aaron Ross The Fallows
Aaron Ross The Fallows
Aaron Ross The Fallows
Aaron Ross The Fallows
Beautiful People Aaron Ross has Met Along The Way
Aaron Ross has met so many beautiful people in America as he hike's across the United States, they will forever be in our memory. Aaron Ross want's to thank all the beautiful people who have helped him along the way as he tackles the open road hicking through America. When you see Aaron Ross along the way stop him and he will take your photographs and place them on this website. God bless America!
©2011, The Fallows, All Rights Reserved. Bookstores:
Barnes & Nobels
A poem is a poem when it speaks to you with love.
A poem is a poem when it draws you close to God above.
A poem is a poem when it moves your heart within.
A poem is a poem when it inspires your mind to win.
I want a poem to teach me something new.
I want a poem to teach me something true.
I want a poem to inspire my heart and mind.
I want a poem to touch my heart and make me cry.
A poem that is a poem bringing me closer to love.
 A poem that is a poem calling to me as God above.
A poem unlike any poem before.
A poem that open’s secret doors.
The door to my heart.
The door to my mind.
I want a poem to teach me for all time.
A poem which is a poem, speaking to me with love.
A poem which is a poem drawing me closer to God above.

A Poem